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    Tuesday, October 11, 2016

    If Dems Don't Control Congress, Obstruction Will Just Continue

    With the base of the party already furious at the GOP establishment, it's hard to see how things will get any better in Washington if and when Hillary Clinton is elected. Trump is already gearing up his supporters to blame the establishment for his loss and the Republicans who survive in Congress will be living in even greater fear of a challenge from their right, even the ones in "safe" Republican seats. Mitch McConnell has already said that Merrick Garland will not be confirmed to the Supreme Court in the lame-duck session even though some Republicans would prefer to seat him then rather than having to deal with a possibly more liberal choice from Hillary. And with a base that will be furious and vindictive after losing the election, there will be no way he will go forward with the nomination. Which certainly begs the question of what he will do when Hillary's nominee gets sent to the Senate. I have always believed that there was a chance that Senate Republicans will opt to keep the seat open rather than ever confirming a Democratic nominee. The pressure from the base will be enormous. If the Democrats take the Senate, the question for Hillary will be whether she opts for a liberal like Sotomayor who the GOP will reject or a more centrist option like Garland who might have a chance with a handful of Republican Senators. If the GOP holds the Senate and still refuses to give her nominee a hearing, we will be headed for a constitutional crisis. And if Republicans manage to hold on to the House, Hillary can only expect a similar, if not greater, level of obstruction than Obama has endured. She can expect the ridiculous hearings and "investigations" to continue ad infinitum.

    Can you identify one Republican leader who will be able to lead the party out of the wilderness and back into the real job of governing? McConnell has spent the last decade maneuvering solely to keep his job as Majority Leader. Paul Ryan pretends to be that leader but is always unwilling to stand up to the crazies in the Freedom Caucus when the chips are down. And with his betrayal of Trump, he may not even survive as Speaker or Minority Leader, depending on the outcome in the House. There is no one, no elder statesmen still in Congress who is capable of putting the party back together. Meanwhile, the business of the people will continue to not get addressed, fueling even more anti-establishment resentment.

    For the whole country's sake, Democrats need to take control in the House and the Senate. With a few votes from some sane GOP Senators who might see that the path forward for the Republican party is to actually be a part of accomplishing some things, the country might begin to address its pressing problems.

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