This was probably Trump's best debate so far but he totally undermined the whole evening by refusing to say he will accept the result of the election. He was more restrained but still interjected and interrupted and made faces that distracted from his better focus on the issues he needed to press. But his answers were still packed with verifiable lies. Hillary was detail-oriented and stayed relatively positive and Presidential. And she constantly focused on her support for families and children. Most of the questions dealt with areas that have already been covered before and where we knew both candidates' positions pretty well.
But the headlines from tonight's debate will be Trump's refusal to accept the results of the election. And Wallace pressed him on the issue twice and still Trump refused. Any chance that Trump had to stop his slide or even make inroads will be totally overshadowed by his refusal to accept the results of a democratic election. I doubt this will change the direction of the Presidential contest. But it will put even more pressure on down-ballot Republicans to repudiate Trump which puts them in an even greater bind. If the repudiate Trump, they will lose the rabid Trump supporters; if they don't, they will lose those moderate suburban voters that they need to win re-election.
Now we can wait for the Twitter blast. More later.
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