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    Tuesday, April 19, 2016

    The Importance of Feeling the Bern

    Just a quick addendum to my  "Feeling the Burn" post, specifically referencing the incredible importance of the Sanders' candidacy moving the Overton window to the left and raising the issues that are important not only to the Democratic Party, but to the nation itself.  John Judis had a marvelous post on how you can absolutely support the political guideposts that Sanders has laid out while still recognizing the necessity of voting for Hillary if she wins the nomination. Sanders' positions on free college education, single-payer health plan, and the need to overturn Citizens United and restore full voting rights for all are now part of the mainstream political conversation. And, incredibly, and seemingly under the radar, he has also moved acceptable views on the ever-intractable Israeli/Palestinian issue. It is hard to believe that a candidate, even a candidate of the Jewish faith as Sanders is, could say that Israel's action in Gaza was "disproportionate" and that the Palestinians need to be treated with respect and not have those statements cause over-the-top outrage but instead apparently receive applause, especially when those statements were made in New York. Hopefully he can move the acceptable views on this issue in the same way that Duncan Black started changing the whole conversation about Social Security.

    It is just another example of how important Sanders' candidacy is. And whatever happens tonight in New York, I hope Bernie stays in it all the way to the convention if he loses. His message is too important and bears repeating so the whole country can hear - he is laying down the markers for a progressive future.

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