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    Saturday, January 14, 2017

    Top 5 Quotes From Trump's Nominees At This Week's Hearings

    Here are my top 5 quotes from Trump's nominees during this hectic week. Yes, some of them, like Ben Carson's, are taken out of context but are too good to pass up. I'm sure I missed plenty more. Please feel free to add your own.

    Senator Menendez: "I would have thought Russia would be at the very top of that [Tillerson's discussions with Trump], considering all that’s taken place. Did that not happen?"          
    Rex Tillerson: "That has not occurred yet, Senator."

    Tillerson: "I have never lobbied against sanctions personally. To my knowledge, Exxon never directly lobbied against sanctions."
    Bob Corker: "I think you called me at the time [sanctions were being considered]."

    Ben Carson: "It will not be my intention to do anything that will benefit any American."

    Jeff Sessions, in an attempt to turn his prosecution of civil rights activists trying to help blacks vote into a defense of voting rights:  “I was accused of failing to protect the voting rights of African-Americans by prosecuting [civil rights activists trying to help blacks vote in] the Perry County voter fraud case. The prosecution sought to protect the integrity of the ballot, not to block voting. It was a voting rights case."

    Senator Caputo: "As a person who represents an almost all rural state, I'm concerned about how we're going to be able to incentivize the private dollars to go to the less populated, less economically developed areas of our country?"
    Elaine Chao:  "It's a huge issue that demands the best thinking of all of us".

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