Uber really and truly does not believe that the laws should not apply to them. After at least two of their autonomous vehicles drove through stop lights in San Francisco, the California State Department of Motor Vehicles ordered Uber to cease these test drives as the vehicles did not have an autonomous driving permit from the state. Other makers of self-driving vehicles like Google, Tesla, and Mercedes have all sought and received these permits but Uber maintains their test vehicles do not need it because the cars always have human oversight that allows the "driver" to take control. As the tests have clearly shown, the "driver" may not have time to react when the autonomous vehicle makes a mistake but Uber apparently could care less about that. The California Attorney General's office reiterated the DMV's call for Uber to cease testing or face unnamed consequences, but even that has not deterred the serial offending company. An Uber vice president responded by saying, "This rule just doesn’t apply to us." That pretty much sums up Uber's attitude in one sentence. For people who drive without a license or insurance, this particular approach usually gets you a serious fine or jail time. It's time for similar punishment for Uber. Let's hope that one prosecutor in this country finds a way to shut this corporate criminal down.
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Anthony Levandowski, VP of advanced (maybe not enough?) technologies at Uber, continued: "You don't need to wear a belt and suspenders and whatever else if you are wearing a dress." So true AL - how about Handcuffs?